16 Years ago the world changed. Not in a small way, but in a massive crazy way. I’, watching the iPhone announcement from 2007. What a wonderful launch. At the time I was what I would call in my figuring it out phase. I didn’t know at the time but I was starting my change to being a real system administrator. I had started looking at servers. I was a service technician. Replacing boards and fixing software. On this day, I knew that the backend was going to become the way to support people going forward. The iPhone SDK was still not a thing. The idea of creating services for this thing wasn’t even a thought. But what I knew, not consciously but while I was working with the servers and learning so much from Leopard that I knew it would be the way to go in the future and it has been.

From there came MDM and all the Apps that continue to change the world every day. I was fortunate enough attend WWDC after this moment and saw the amazing ideas that started to flow. A great day indeed. Worth a watch below.

Some Notes - First song in the demo. A little Help from my friends by the Beatles. First Video, A clip from the Office which is my favourite Jim prank on Dwight. Thank you Apple. We may disagree from time to time, but keep doing amazing things!

Lastly, the People on stage! Eric Schmidt, Google, Talking all about interoperability and Data services. My how things change. Yahoo, I know, Yahoo?